"The article analyses and scientifically evaluates the attitude of teachers teaching various school subjects towards the non-formal musical activity groups: the gymnasium choir, ensemble, etc. The main research questions are: What is the attitude of teachers at various school subjects towards the activities of musical groups in the gymnasium? What changes took place after the establishment of musical groups in the gymnasium? The qualitative research was conducted using the interview method. The attitude to musical groups in the gymnasium was reflected by 7 teachers teaching various subjects: three representatives of the administration and four teachers at different school subjects. The data analysis was performed using the qualitative content analysis method. The research results showed that non-formal musical activities carried out in the gymnasium not only marked the uniqueness of the school, shaped the image of the gymnasium but also united and enabled the participants of the educational process to collaborate and naturally work together for a common goal. Keywords: non-formal artistic/musical activity, music education, teachers’ attitude"
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