"Aims and Methods The current study aimed to investigate the factor structure, reliability, measurement invariance, and construct validity of the Hungarian version of the Types of Positive Affect Scale among a sample of university students (N = 1239). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), multi-group confirmatory factor analyses, internal consistency analyses, and correlational analyses were conducted. Results For the proposed two-factor model, CFA showed good fit with the data (CMIN = 438,16; DF = 51; CMIN/DF = 8,59; GFI = .94; CFI = .93; SRMR = .04; RMSEA = .07, 95%CI = [.07; .08]), all items were significant predictors of measured factors. The measurement invariance across gender and country, good internal consistency, and construct validity of the scale were also confirmed. Conclusion Findings support the reliability and validity of the Hungarian version of the Types of Positive Affect Scale and enable us to use the subscale scores to differentiate between soothing and activating positive affect. Keywords soothing positive affect, activating positive affect, scale, validation, Hungarian"
Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca