Guest Editorial. Cities, Suburbs and Peripheries in Theory and Empirical Research




"In recent years, spatial planning has been subject of debate for researchers who focused on good practices and providing suitable solutions for various issues at the local or regional scale, but also on the poor quality practices, which particularly generate spatial chaos and other negative consequences. The identification and assessment of endogenous dependencies of the implemented spatial management policies require in-depth studies aimed at understanding their nature and consequences. Moreover, the integrated order and spatial development in the urban core area and the suburbs are to be considered when analysing these conditions and dependencies. If we also consider spillover effects and spatial externalities, we must tackle the intensification of problems in spatial management. Therefore, the various aspects of urban development and planning should be approached especially in relation to the economic and social aspects of urban, suburban and rural areas. "


Babes-Bolyai University


Geography, Planning and Development

Reference22 articles.

1. 1. Barbosa V., Suarez Pradilla M.M., Chica-Meja J. E. (2022), The Growing Suburban Sprawl in Large Latin American Cities: Applying Space Syntax to the Case of Northern Peripheral Region of Bogotá. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning. DOI: 10.24193/JSSPSI.05.CSPTER

2. 2. Hołuj A. (2021), Externalities in the Light of Selected Spatial Economy Issues - Contribution to the Discussion. European Research Studies Journal. DOI: 10.35808/ersj/1947

3. 3. Hołuj A. (2020), Gospodarowanie przestrzenią strefy podmiejskiej - wybranea spekty teoretyczne (Spatial management of the peri-urban area - selected theoretical aspects). In: Hołuj A., Luchter B., Semczuk M., Serafin P., Zmiany użytkowania ziemi i ich skutki ekonomiczne i pozaekonomiczne w strefie podmiejskiej na tle przemian demograficznych. Kraków. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie. ISBN 9788372528155

4. 4. Hołuj A., Lityński P. (2021), Ekonomiczne konsekwencje żywiołowej suburbanizacji (The Economic Consequences of Urban Sprawl). In: Śleszyński P. et al., Suburbanizacja w Polsce jako wyzwanie dla polityki rozwoju. Polska Akademia Nauk. URL:

5. 5. Hołuj A., Ilba M., Lityński P., Majewski K., Semczuk M., Serafin P. (2021), Photovoltaic Solar Energy from Urban Sprawl: Potential for Poland. Energies. DOI:







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