Levél a bennünk élő gyermekhez – gyógyító írás, belső gyermek, irodalomlő gyermekhez – gyógyító írás, belső gyermek, irodalom


Váradi-Kusztos GyörgyiORCID,


"Letter to the Inner Child – Expressive Writing in Literary Context. The paradigm of expressive writing and its well-known benefits in the field of improving mental health are well known since the end of the twentieth century. In my essay, I would like to explain the connections of this approach with the highly influential works of John Bradshaw as well as the concept of self-healing through expressive writing with the help of the example found in the classical Hungarian epistolary novel Fanni hagyományai. Keywords: expressive writing, mental health, inner child, Pennebaker, Bradshaw "


Babes-Bolyai University


Religious studies

Reference16 articles.

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