A romániai magyar pedagógusok továbbképzésekkel kapcsolatos motivációjának és elégedettségének vizsgálata


,Hégető Katalin,Korom Erzsébet,


The present paper reports on Hungarian-speaking teachers' experiences with in-service teacher-training courses provided by training centres in Romania – the Hungarian Teachers’ Association of Romania and the Apáczai Csere János Teachers’ House – as part of a broader questionnaire survey (n = 500). It examines levels of satisfaction and expectations concerning professional development courses, as well as the motivations for enrolling in such courses. The results indicate that both primary and secondary teachers, also teachers at different stages of their careers in terms of their teaching experience, found the training useful. Primarily, they are motivated by enhancing their knowledge on the subject they teach, improving their teaching skills, learning about new research and gaining credits. They prefer practical courses that encourage self-reflection and active participation. Both face-to-face and online formats are considered appropriate, yet the hybrid version is less so.


Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca

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