1. BERKELEY, M. J., 1832-1833 Gleanings ofBritish Algae; being an appendix to the Supplement to English Botany, pp.50. London. [Issued in parts between 1 July 1832 (no. 1) and 1 March 1833 (no. 5).]
2. BRIDSON, G. D., PHILLIPS, V. C. and HARVEY, A. P., 1980 Natural History Manuscript Resources in the British Isles, pp. XXXIV + [2] + 473 + [1]. London and New York.
3. CALLERY, B., 1981 The Persistence of Ephemera: bibliographical value of part wrappers. In: Wheeler, A. and Price, J. H. (eds) History in the Service ofSystematics. pp. 164. London. (Proceedings of the BM(NH) Centenary Symposium organised by the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History and the Systematics Association, BMNH, April 1981.)
4. DILLWYN, L. W., 1802-1809 British Confervae; pp. [8]+87 + [6] + 109 plates with text + supplementary plates A-G. London. [Produced in 16 fasciculi bearing dates between 1 June 1802 (Fase. 1, Preface; issued 1/7/1802) and 1809 (post-20 February). Content varied between 5 and 12 plates and associated text per fasciculus, with additional prefatory matter, title pages, and other relevant text indices; general indices; advertisement, and so on.]