1. Daly, Mary, Beyond God the father, Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation, Boston, Beacon Press, 1973.
2. Feuerbach, Ludwig, The Essence of Christianity, Buffalo-New York, Prometheus Books, 1989, Facsimile edition, translated from the German by George Eliot `Das Wesen des Christentums', Sämmtliche Werke VI, neu herausgegeben von Wilhelm Bolin und Friedrich Jodl, Stuttgart, Fr Frommanns Verlag, 1903.
3. Gauthier, Lorraine A. `Citing, Siting Irigaray', Ph.D., Toronto, Ontario, York University, 1989.
4. Gross, Elisabeth, Irigaray and the Divine, Local Consumption occasional paper, 9, Sydney, Local Consumption, 1986.
5. Grosz, Elisabeth, `The Body', Feminism and Psychoanalysis, A Critical Dictionary, edited by Elisabeth Wright, Oxford, Blackwell, 1992, 35-40.