1. ARBER, A., 1986 Herbáis their origins and evolution a chapter in the history of botany 1470-1670. Third edition, with an introduction by W. T. Stearn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. BLATTER, E. and MILLARD, W. S., 1955 Some beautiful Indian trees. Second edition, revised by William T. Stearn (reprinted 1997). Bombay: Bombay Natural History Society.
3. BLUNT, W., 1971 The compleat naturalist: a life of Linnaeus. With the assistance of William T. Stearn. London: Collins.
4. BROBERG, G., 1978 Editor's note. Svenska Linnésállskapets Árrskrift. Árgáng 1978. Yearbook of the Swedish Linnaeus Society commemorative volume: [7].
5. CHITTENDEN, F. J. and STEARN, W. X, 1956 Curtis's Botanical Magazine index, Vol. 1-164,to which is appended a brief history of the Magazine by F. J. Chittenden. London: Royal Horticultural Society.