1. ANON., 1790 A companion to the Museum, (late Sir Ashton Lever's) removed to Albion Street, the Surry End of Black Friars Bridge. London. Pp 118.
2. ANON., 1792 A catalogue of the genuine museum of natural and artificial curiosities, of William Constable, esq.; late of Yorkshire, chiefly collected by the late Marmaduke Tunstall, Esq. London. Pp 14.
3. ANON., 1822 A catalogue of the elegant household furniture, valuable paintings, books andmuseum,consisting of birds, reptiles, insects, scarce shells, fossils, spars, antiquities, and a variety of curiosities, which will be sold by auction at Grange, near Darlington, by Mr W. Crow. Darlington. Pp 69.
4. BEWICK, T, 1975 A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself. (Edited, withanintroduction by Iain Bain). London. Pp xliv+258.
5. BOULTER, D. [1793) Museum Boulterianum. A catalogue of the curious and valuable collection ofnat-ural and artificial curiosities in the extensivemuseumof Daniel Boulter, Yarmouth. London. Pp 165.