1. ALLEN. D. E., 1976 The Naturalist in Britain. London: Lane, Penguin. Pp XII, 292.
2. ANON. 1, 1784 An history of the instances of exclusion from the Royal Society, which were not suffered to be argued in the course of the later debates. With strictures on the formation of the Council, and other instances of the despotism of Sir Joseph Banks, the President, and of his incapacity for high office. [By 'Some members in the minority'.] London: Debrett, pp. IV, 27.
3. ANON. 2, 1844 Sir Joseph Banks at the Royal Society. London: J. W. Parker, pp VIII, 124.
4. ELLIS, J., and Solander, D. C, 1786 The natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe By the late John Ellis, Esq. F.R.S. Soc. Reg. Upsal. Soc. author of the natural history of English corallines, and other works. Systematically arranged and described By the late Daniel Solander, M.D. F.R.S. &c. with sixty-two plates engraven by principal artists. London: Benjamin White & Son and Peter Elmsly. Pp XII, 206, pis 63, followed by numbered pp 207-208 (publisher's advertisements).