1. BULL. H. O. 1933 A classified index to the literature of the 'Cullercoats' marine fauna and flora (exclusive of birds and mammals), 1832-1932. Report of the Dove Marine Laboratory (series 3) 1: 26-47.
2. HOWSON. C. M. and PICTON. B. E. 1997 The species directory ofthe marinefauna andflora ofthe British Isles and surrounding seas. Belfast & Ross on Wye: Ulster Museum & The Marine Conservation Society.
3. Institute for Botanical Documentation and Chatham College, Pittsburgh: 1999. Pp 44: illustrated (20
4. colour, 6 monochrome plates). Price US$ 9 (US$ 13 post paid) (paperback). ISBN 0-913196-66-5.