1. Addison, Josephet al. [1711] (1963) The Spectator, ed. Donald F. Bond, 5 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [referred to asSpectator]
2. Akenside, Mark (1996) The Poetical Works of Mark Akenside. RobinDix, London: Associated University Presses.
3. Beattie, James (1776) Essays. On Poetry and Music as they affect the Mind. On Laughter, and Ludicrous Composition. On the Utility of Classical Learning, Edinburgh: printed for E. and C. Dilly in London and for W. Creech in Edinburgh.
4. Blair, Hugh (1965) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, ed. Harold F. Harding, with foreword by David Potter, 2 vols. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.
5. Brown, John (1751) Essays on the Characteristics, London: printed for C. Davis.