1. Vibraconsult, Cleveland, OH, USA
Driven piles are the basis of reliable deep foundations broadly used for various types of buildings and structures. Static load tests are conducted to ascertain correct results of static analyses, but static load tests are expensive and time-consuming procedures. Therefore, dynamic methods have become popular techniques for evaluation of the ultimate pile capacity. The results of dynamic methods strongly depend on hammer energy and soil conditions. Analyses of numerous case histories show good, bad and critical determination of pile capacity by dynamic methods. Verification of dynamic pile testing with a static load test does not always guarantee the pile’s ability to withstand design loads. It is not reasonable to connect pile testing at any construction site with determination of the ultimate pile capacity because the major goal of pile testing at sites is verification of the pile capability to withstand design loads. It is necessary to verify experimentally the pile capacity to withstand the design load with an appropriate factor of safety and check the applicability of signal-matching software for specified sites. Dynamic methods provide a sensible and beneficial approach to verification of the pile capacity necessary for withstanding design loads applied to piles.
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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8 articles.