1. Consultant to Peter Fraenkel Maritime Limited and visiting Professor at the University of Oxford and formerly the Maureen refloat and decommissioning project manager for ConocoPhillips
2. Structural Engineer for ConocoPhillips and formerly the Maureen refloat and decommissioning project structural engineer for ConocoPhillips
3. Project manager with Saipern UK Limited and formerly site project engineer for ConocoPhillips
The Maureen Steel Gravity Platform (TSG) and associated concrete articulated loading column (ALC) were both successfully refloated and removed from their North Sea locations in the summer of 2001. The two structures were towed to the Aker construction base at Stord Island (between Stavanger and Bergen) on the west coast of Norway. At this location they were securely moored up in deep water, for the purposes of further decommissioning, which involved internal tank cleaning of the substructure, deconstruction, and partial reuse of large elements of both structures. This process involved many significant marine construction/deconstruction activities. This paper describes the main elements of this decommissioning/deconstruction work, including the reuse of large elements of the steel gravity platform as part of a new quay construction, and the reuse of the column section from the ALC, as a breakwater for a marina development.
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Dismantling the Maureen platform—an overview;Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering;2004-05