1. Junior Researcher (PhD candidate) in Materials Science and Engineering, Central Laboratory of Structures and Materials, CEDEX, 28014, Madrid, Spain, Telephone: +34 913357560; Telefax: +34/ 913357422; E-mail: Ana.M.Noval@cedex.es
2. Head of the Material's Department of the Central Laboratory of Structures and Materials, CEDEX, 28014, Madrid, Spain, Telephone: +34 913357442; Telefax: +34 913357422; E-mail: Manuel.Blanco@cedex.es
3. HDR, Senior Researcher of the Materials and Structures Department, Ifsttar, F-77447, Champs sur Marne, Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France, Telephone: +33 (0)181668414; Telefax: +33 (0)181668514; E-mail: Fabienne.Farcas@ifsttar.fr
4. Manager of BALTEN, 38009, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Telephone: +34 922237760; Telefax: +34 922237762; E-mail: e.aguiar@balten.es
5. Head of the Organic Material's Division of the Central Laboratory of Structures and Materials, CEDEX, 28014, Madrid, Spain, Telephone: +34 913357453; Telefax: +34 913357422; E-mail: Francisca.Castillo@cedex.es
6. Head of the Geosynthetics Laboratory, Hydrosystems and Bioprocesses Research Unit, Irstea, 92761, Antony Cedex, France, Telephone: +33 (0)140966039; Telefax: +33 (0)140966270; E-mail: nathalie.touze@irstea.fr (corresponding author)