1. Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas; 17360 Coit Road Dallas TX 75252
2. Dep. of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources; Kansas State Univ., 2021 Throckmorton Plant Science Center; Manhattan KS 66506
3. Texas A&M AgriLife Research (retired); P.O. Box 2390 Lebanon OR 97355
4. Plant Sciences, NDSU Dep. 7670, P.O. Box 6050; North Dakota State Univ.; Fargo ND 58108-6050
5. Dep. of Applied Plant Sciences; Maseno Univ.; Kenya
6. Oklahoma State Univ.; 336 Agricultural Hall Stillwater OK 74078
7. Virginia Tech Univ.; 185 Ag Quad Lane, 339 Smyth Hall Blacksburg VA 24061
8. Univ. of Missouri; 206A Waters Hall Columbia MO 65211
9. North Carolina State Univ.; 1126B Williams Hall, Campus Box 7620 Raleigh NC 27695
10. Univ. of Tennessee; 2431 Joe Johnson Dr., 212 Plant Biotech. Bldg. Knoxville TN 37996
11. Dep. of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources; Kansas State Univ., John C. Pair Research Center; 1901 E. 95th Street S. Haysville KS 67060