1. Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences; Univ. of Georgia; Griffin Campus Griffin GA 30223
2. Dep. of Plant Pathology; Univ. of Georgia; Griffin Campus Griffin GA 30223
3. Dep. of Entomology; Univ. of Georgia; Griffin Campus Griffin GA 30223
4. Dep. of Agronomy; Univ. of Florida; Gainesville FL 32611
5. Dep. of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences; Univ. of Arkansas; Fayetteville AR 72701
6. LSU AgCenter- School of Plant; Environmental and Soil Sciences; Baton Rouge LA 70803
7. Dep. of Crop Science; North Carolina State Univ.; Raleigh NC 27695
8. Soil and Crop Sciences Dep.; Texas A&M AgriLife Research; College Station TX 77843
9. USDA-ARS National Small Grains Germplasm Research Facility; Aberdeen ID 83210
10. USDA-ARS Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory; Wooster OH 44691
11. USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Genotyping Laboratory; Plant Sciences Research Unit; Raleigh NC 27695
12. USDA-ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory; St. Paul MN 55108
13. USDA-ARS; Wheat Genetics, Quality, Physiology, and Disease Research Unit; Pullman WA 99164
14. USDA-ARS, Dep. of Entomology; Purdue Univ.; West Lafayette IN 47907