Medical parole: Chinese experience and comparative legal analysis with Russian legislation


Myakhanova Aleksandra1,Gunzinov Jargal2,Skiba Andrey Petrovich3


1. Buryatskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Dorzhi Banzarova

2. Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University

3. Academy of the FPS of Russia


The article, based on the study of Chinese legislation and the explanations of the Supreme People’s Court of China, concludes that in fact the state of health of convicts is one of the grounds for their parole. This Chinese approach emphasizes the preventive importance of the institution of parole and seems justified, since it allows taking into account both the behavior of a convicted person to imprisonment and his state of health when deciding on his early release (in contrast to the Russian experience). A list of numerous diseases is given, in the presence of which in China it is possible to release convicts on parole for medical reasons.


Academy of the FPS of Russia

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