Contribution to knowledge of the cockroach subfamilies Paranauphoetinae (stat. n.), Perisphaeriinae and Panesthiinae (Dictyoptera: Blaberidae)


Anisyutkin L.N.1


1. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia


The systematic position and phylogeny of the subfamilies Perisphaeriinae and Panesthiinae, and the genus Paranauphoeta Brunn. are discussed. The tribe Paranauphoetini Rehn, 1951 is raised in rank to subfamily. The genera Paranauphoeta, Trichoblatta Sauss. & Zehn., Glomerexis B.-Bien. and Perisphaerus Serv. are rediagnosed. A new species, T. beybienkoi sp. n., and a new subspecies, Paranauphoeta vicina vietnamensis ssp. n., are described. For T. valida B.-Bien., Perisphaerus semilunatus Han. and P. punctatus B.-Bien., the male is described for the first time. For Paranauphoeta nigra B.-Bien., P. indica Sauss. & Zehn., P. vicina Brunn., P. v. sinica B.-Bien., P. lyrata (Burm.), P. rufipes Brunn., P. formosana Mats., T. magnifica (Shelf.), T. aerea B.-Bien., T. fallax B.-Bien., T. montshadskii B.-Bien., T. semisulcata (Han.), T. valida, T. v. moderata B.-Bien., T. sculpta (B.-Bien.), T. tarsalis (Walk.), T. humbertiana (Sauss.), T. pilosa (B.-Bien.), G. tibetana B.-Bien., Perisphaerus semilunatus, and P. punctatus, data on the morphology and geographical distribution are given.


Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Animal Science and Zoology,Insect Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference36 articles.

1. Anisyutkin, L.N. 1999. Cockroaches of the subfamily Epilamprinae (Dictyoptera, Blaberidae) of Indochina. Entomol. Obozr., 78(3): 565-588. (In Russian).

2. Anisyutkin, L.N. 2002. Notes on the cockroaches of the subfamilies Pycnoscelinae and Diplopterinae from South-East Asia with description of three new species (Dictyoptera: Blaberidae). Zoosyst. Ross., 10(2): 351-359.

3. Bey-Bienko, G.Ya. 1938. Blattodea and Dermaptera collected by Mr. R.J.H. Kaulback’s expedition to Tibet. Proc. Roy. entomol. Soc. Lond. (B), 7: 121-125.

4. Bey-Bienko, G.Ya. 1950. Cockroaches. Fauna SSSR, 40. Moscow – Leningrad. 343 p. (In Russian).

5. Bey-Bienko, G.Ya. 1954. Investigations on Blattodea from South-East China. Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 15: 5-26. (In Russian).

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