Smoke or Breathe? Assessment of the Impact of the Tobacco Industry on the Environment


Kudryavtseva O. V.1,Gazizova E. R.1,Dubkova E. M.1,Lokteva K. N.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The tobacco industry has a long history. The use of tobacco products caused controversy among leading doctors, scientists and economists for a long time. A huge number of studies have revealed the undoubted harm of tobacco use on human health. Despite the adoption of laws in many countries that prohibit or restrict smoking, the tobacco industry is still one of the leading branches of the economy. Whereas the harm caused by tobacco products to the human body has been thoroughly studied, and the composition of cigarette smoke has been identified with an accuracy of 7,000 different chemical elements, the damage caused to nature has not yet been discovered. In this study, we will assess the impact of the tobacco industry on the environment. In order to do this, we will consider all stages of the existence of tobacco products: from the cultivation of tobacco leaves to direct consumption and subsequent disposal of cigarette butts. Each of the stages contains clear and threats to the environment. The study is based on the experience of China as one of the largest tobacco producers and consumers. China is a country experiencing serious environmental problems, but plans to reach the level of carbon neutrality by 2060. The result of our analysis will be a quantitative assessment of the harm (in particular, CO2 emissions) caused by the tobacco industry to the environment in China, as well as recommendations for reducing the calculated effect.


Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

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