Current Aspects of the Implementation of the Concept of the Standard of Social Well-being


Krivov V. D.1,Vladimirov D. G.2


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Social Processes Higher School of Modern Social Sciences


Among the priorities in modern Russia is the modernization of the entire system of social protection of citizens and increasing its effectiveness. One of the most effective mechanisms for such modernization may be the introduction of a single Standard of social well-being for the whole country. The article substantiates the necessity and relevance of adopting this Standard in our country on the basis of social and economic indicators. Some recent measures taken at the state level aimed at implementing the principles and elements of this Standard are analyzed. The author's vision of what the content of the Standard of Social Well-being should be, how much public services, public goods and monetary payments it should guarantee to Russian citizens is presented.


Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

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