1. Anderson J. E. “Child Development and the Growth Process.” (In)The Thirty-Eighth Yearbook, Part I, of this Society, 1939, pp. 15–49.
2. Baudouin P. The Mind of the Child, a Psycho-Analytical Study. (Dodd, Mead and Co.: New York, 1933) 282 pp.
3. Britsch G. Theorie der Bildenden Kunst. (Bruckmann: Munich, 1930) 152 pp.
4. Bühler K. The Mental Development of the Child. (Harcourt, Brace and Co.: New York, 1930) 170 pp.
5. Chandler A. R. Beauty and Human Nature: Elements of Psychological Aesthetics. (D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc.: New York, 1934) 381 pp.