1. This bibliography is not meant to be complete. It is intended only to illustrate or to give examples in support of points that have been set forth in the main body of the article. The titles are referred to in the text except the following: Nos. 3, 7, and 55, each of which represents a compilation of writings by a number of different authorities; No. 25, a recent general text; and No. 46, a book dealing with counseling procedures that has stimulated a good deal of interest and study.
2. Domination and socially integrative behavior.
3. Methods of child psychology.
4. Barker R., Kounin J., and Wrightv H. (editors). Child Behavior and Development. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1943. 652 pp.
5. Size and Body Build of Adolescents in Relation to Rate of Skeletal Maturing