1. Former Scientist, DiponEd Inelligence Bangalore, India
Background Fibrin glue has shown to be a pioneering remedy to overcome the inconvenience of suturing. Autologous products reduce the risk of contamination and immunological responses compared to commercial fibrin glue. Hence using autologous fibrin glue (AFG) as a tissue sealant in periodontal flap closure would be of added value for a predictable outcome. Objective To evaluate and compare the efficacy of AFG with 4-0 silk sutures in periodontal flap closure and healing. Material and methods Total of 17 patients diagnosed with generalized periodontitis in the age group of 18 to 60 years with probing pocket depth of ≥ 6 mm and clinical attachment level of ≥5 mm in at least two quadrants were categorized into test group (AFG) and control group (4-0 silk sutures). Primary outcome measures [modified gingival index (MGI), early wound index (EHI) and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1ß) and secondary outcome measures (oral hygiene index, plaque index and visual analog scale (VAS) were recorded at baseline, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Results A statistically significant reduction of IL-1ß value ( p =.005); MGI ( p = .02); EHI ( p = .004), VAS scores ( p < .001) and a positive Spearman's correlation (rho = 0.15) was seen between EHI scores & IL-1ß levels in test group at 1week period in comparison to control group. Conclusion AFG showed promising results as an alternative to sutures. The use of AFG significantly improved clinical parameters and reduced the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines making it an effective adhesive with healing properties in the era of suture-less periodontal flap surgery.
Biomedical Engineering,Biomaterials