Measurement of Laser-Induced Plasma: Stark Broadening Parameters of Pb(II) 2203.5 and 4386.5 Å Spectral Lines


Alonso-Medina Aurelia1ORCID


1. Department of Applied Physics, E.T.S.I.D. Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ronda de Valencia 3, 28012 Madrid, Spain


In this work, the Stark broadening parameters (widths and shifts) of the 2203.5 Å and 4386.5 Å Pb(II) spectral lines have been investigated and measured in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), using a lead sample (99.999% purity). A Q-switched neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser operating at its fundamental wavelength (10 640 Å), generating pulses of 290 mJ, 7 ns of duration, and a repeat frequency of 20 Hz, has been used for the ablation of said lead sample in vacuum and in a controlled argon atmosphere. A study to understand the expansion dynamics of the lead produced plasma was performed. The spectra have been obtained and measured at different time delays of the plasma evolution in the range of 0.15–9 μs, at which the temperature and electron number density are in the ranges of 28 200–8000 K and 1.3 × 1017 to 3 × 1015 cm−3, respectively. A graphical representation of the evolution of temperature and electron number density versus 0.3 to 6.5 μs delay from the laser pulse is presented. The important effect of the different environment where the plasma expands has been pointed out. Local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions have been checked. The obtained results of the Stark widths and shifts at the different temperatures and densities of electrons have been compared with the limited data available in the literature. This study aims to obtain more accurate values for these parameters and also to establish regularities and similarities for said parameters.


SAGE Publications









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