1. Dennis D. Munk, EdD, is an assistant professor of education at Carthage College. His current interests include grading adaptations, adapted science instruction, and functional assessment of problem behaviors. Address: Dennis D. Munk, Education Department, Carthage College, 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, WI 53140.
2. Jana Bruckert, BA, is a special educator in Gurnee, Illinois, where she continues to pursue effective instruction for inclusive elementary classrooms.
3. Deborah T. Call, BS, is a special educator in inclusive junior high classrooms in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
4. Traci Stoehrmann, BS, is working in inclusive classrooms in the Indian Prairie, Illinois, school district.
5. Erin Radandt, BA, is a special educator in a multi-age inclusive elementary school in Provo, Utah.