1. University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA
More research attention and implementation support are needed for mathematics intervention as student achievement in this area continues to fall below desirable levels. Incremental rehearsal is an intervention to help students build reading, vocabulary, and math fluency. Research supports the use of incremental rehearsal for improving math fact fluency. However, this intervention is more complicated than the traditional flashcard intervention. Therefore, an implementation guide is needed to increase its use with students who need to improve math fact fluency. This article will provide step-by-step instructions for implementing incremental rehearsal plus helpful implementation aids such as a chart demonstrating the proper presentation sequence and a treatment integrity checklist.
Clinical Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education
Reference29 articles.
1. Examining the Differential Effectiveness and Efficiency of Alternative Multiplication Drill Interventions with Third-Grade Students
2. Burns M. K. (2005). Using incremental rehearsal to increase fluency of single-digit multiplication facts with children identified as learning disabled in mathematics computation. Education & Treatment of Children, 28(3), 237–249.
3. Burns M. K. (2017, June 8). Incremental Rehearsal Math (flashcard intervention- multiplication facts) Demo. YouTube.
4. Comparing the effects of incremental rehearsal and traditional drill on retention of mathematics facts and predicting the effects with memory.