1. Domestic Roots of China's Foreign and Security Policy
2. Borrell J (2020) The coronavirus pandemic and the new world it is creating. Blog of the European Union External Action. Available at: https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/76379/coronavirus-pandemic-and-new-world-it-creating_en (accessed 24 March 2020).
3. Brattberg E., Le Corre P (2020) No, COVID-19 isn’t turning Europe pro-china (Yet). The Diplomat, 15 April. Available at: https://thediplomat.com/2020/04/no-covid-19-isnt-turning-europe-pro-china-yet/ (accessed 14 January 2021).
4. CCTV (2020) 中国援助塞尔维亚专家医疗队受最高礼遇迎接 塞总统深情亲吻五星红旗 [China’s medical team to Serbia is greeted with the highest courtesy, Serbian president affectionately kisses the five-star red flag]. Available at: http://m.news.cctv.com/2020/03/22/ARTIMUDquNaPlipJtixdf9UG200322.shtml (accessed 25 March 2020).