1. Ministry of Labour and Social Security 劳动和社会保障部 (2000) 家政服务员国家职业标准 [National Professional Standards for Domestic Workers]. Beijing: 中国劳动社会保障出版社 [Chinese Labour and Social Security Press].
2. Red Star News 红星新闻 (2017) 杭州保姆纵火催生保姆黑名单:要生存就要守规矩 [Hangzhou nanny arson case has given birth to nanny blacklist: If you want to survive you must obey the rules]. 6 July. Available at: https://www.sohu.com/a/154972987_617717 (accessed 13 July 2021).
3. Sina News 新浪新闻 (2017) 长宁新保姆需提供无黑证明 ‘黑保姆’将列入黑名单 [New nannies in Changning need to provide non-black documentation and ‘black nannies’ will be blacklisted]. 6 July. Available at: https://weibo.com/2028810631/Fb6zfEDKN?type=comment (accessed 9 July 2021).
4. Ministry of Commerce 商务部 and National Development and Reform Commission 国家发展和改革 委员会 (2019) 关于建立家政服务业信用体系的指导意见 [Guiding Ideas About Building a Credit System for the Domestic Service Sector]. Beijing: 商服贸函269号 [Ministry of Commerce Department of Service and Trade, Document No. 269].
5. Jiangsu TV 江苏卫视 (2020) 南京发放首批435张家政服务信息卡 [Nanjing releases the first 435 domestic service information cards]. 15 September. Available at: http://news.jstv.com/a/20200915/5dccef5455a74c6d80ee32bc1460807e.shtml (accessed 15 July 2021).