1. Stroke Outcomes Research Unit, () Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
2. Neuroeconomics and Social Neuroscience, Department of Economics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
3. Foothills Medical Center, University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
4. Department of Radiology (CM) and Neurology (YR), Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
5. Department of Neurology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands
6. Department of Radiology and Department of Medicine and Neurology, Melbourne Brain Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia
7. Department of Neurosciences, Hospital Germans Trias y Pujol, Barcelona, Spain
8. University of Pittsburgh, Medical Center Stroke Institute, Presbyterian University Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA