Missing a beam in thine own eye: Motivated perceptions of collective narcissism


Baba Justyna1ORCID,Cichocka Aleksandra2ORCID,Cislak Aleksandra1ORCID


1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland

2. University of Kent, UK


This work examines lay beliefs about the societal implications of different forms of ingroup identity. While secure ingroup identity reflects a genuine attachment to one’s ingroup members, defensive forms of identity are aimed at satisfying individual enhancement motives through highlighting belongingness to an exceptional group. The latter can be exemplified by collective narcissism, a belief in ingroup greatness and entitlement to privileged treatment, which has been linked to undesirable intra- and intergroup outcomes. In three experiments (total N = 473), conducted in the context of national identities, we investigated how people perceive the manifestations of collective narcissism, contrasted with secure ingroup identity and low identity. Across all studies, participants expected the highest outgroup hostility and poorest intragroup relations from those high in collective narcissism. However, perceivers who were themselves high in collective narcissism were less likely to expect these undesirable manifestations, thus revealing a biased perception of similar others.


National Science Center


SAGE Publications


Sociology and Political Science,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Communication,Cultural Studies,Social Psychology

Reference126 articles.

1. Psychological Attachment to the Group: Cross-Cultural Differences in Organizational Identification and Subjective Norms as Predictors of Workers' Turnover Intentions

2. Ahmed K. (Host). (2018, March 23). If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere [Video podcast]. Intelligence Squared. https://www.intelligencesquared.com/events/if-you-believe-you-are-a-citizen-of-the-world-you-are-a-citizen-of-nowhere/

3. Why and how are you attached to your Social Group? Investigating different forms of social identification








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