What Do We Really Know About the Prevalence of Restrictive Housing? Illuminating the “Dark Figure” of the Most Extreme Forms of Incarceration


Brown Jennifer M.1ORCID,Mears Daniel P.1ORCID,Aranda-Hughes Vivian1ORCID,Siennick Sonja E.1ORCID


1. Florida State University


A signature feature of the get-tough era in American corrections has been the proliferation of restrictive housing (RH). Although sometimes equated with solitary confinement, this housing encompasses a variety of distinct forms of incarceration. They are unified by an emphasis on restricted movement and privileges—yet vary in their design and uses. Despite that fact, little is known about the prevalence of different forms of housing. To address this research gap, we use a case study of Florida policy and administrative records data to illuminate the variety of RH types and the varying prevalence of each. We then discuss the implications of the findings for the study of RH uses and impacts and for policy.


SAGE Publications


Law,General Psychology,Pathology and Forensic Medicine

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