1. 161 Frank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0X4 Canada
The discourse in sex therapy is increasingly dominated by the language and imagery of machines in disrepair. Humanistic psychologyhas a role to play in challenging the pharmaceutical industry forownership of this discourse. From a humanistic standpoint, we arewell situated to question the assumptions underlying the biomedical model. Viagra™ may produce rigid erections while creating newdifficulties for the forgotten man, conveniently attached, for thepartner who wants to be desired, or for the couple. Newpharmacological interventions too often produce the same old effects and sideeffects (e.g., reductionism, desensitization, alienation, fragmentation,mechanization). The prevailing “Viagra™ mindset” is contested byreviewing the problems associated with this way of thinking aboutsexuality and sexual dysfunction. An alternate experiential approachto dealing with sexual issues and concerns in therapy is described.Three clinical illustrations of Experiential Psychotherapy as a wayof working with erectile dysfunction in therapy are presented.
Sociology and Political Science,Philosophy,Social Psychology
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13 articles.