Becker J,Schuppan D,Rabanus J P,Rauch R,Niechoy U,Gelderblom H R
We examined the ultrastructural localization of collagens Type I, V, VI and of procollagen Type III in decalcified and prefixed specimens of the periodontal ligament and cementum, by immunoelectron microscopy using ultra-thin cryostat sections. Immunostaining for collagen Type I was pronounced on the major cross-striated fibrils entering cementum and in cementum proper, whereas staining for procollagen Type III was almost exclusively observed on the major fibrils in the periodontal ligament situated more remote from cementum. Reactivity for collagen Type V was limited to aggregated, unbanded filamentous material of about 12 nm diameter that was found mainly in larger spaces between bundles of cross-striated collagen fibrils and occasionally on single microfibrils that apparently originated from the ends of the major collagen fibrils, which may support the concept of this collagen as a component of core fibrils. Collagen Type VI was present as microfilaments appearing to interconnect single cross-striated fibrils. In the densely packed fibril bundles of the periodontal ligament, no collagen type VI was detected. Neither Type V or Type VI collagen was observed in cementum.
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