1. User-centric approaches for collecting Facebook data in the ‘post-API age’: experiences from two studies and recommendations for future research
2. Business of Apps. (2024). Telegram revenue and usage statistics (2024). Retrieved February 15, 2024, from https://www.businessofapps.com/data/telegram-statistics/
3. de Leon E. P. (2024). Estebanpdl/Telegram-tracker [Python]. https://github.com/estebanpdl/telegram-tracker (Original work published 2022).
4. Fröschl F., Primig F. (2023). F-R-O-G Telegram scraping tool (Version 1.0.0). https://github.com/Froschi1860/F-R-O-G-Telegram-scraping-tool/tree/main (Original work published 2023).