1. Marie F. Nouvelle découverte sur la lumiére. Pour la mesurer et en compter les degrés. (New Discoveries about Light). Paris: Luis Sevestre, 1700.
2. Bouguer P. Traité dOptique sur la gradation de la lumiére. Paris 1760. [English translation by W.E. Knowles Middleton]. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961.
3. Lambert JH. Photometria sive de mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae (Photomery for Measuring and Grading Light, Colour and Shades). Augsburg: Detlefsen, 1760. (German translation by E. Anding: Lamberts Fotometrie. Leipzig: Klett Publ., 1892. English translation by DiLaura DL. Photometry, or on the Measure and Gradation of Light, Colors and Shade. New York: Publ. IES Amer., 2001).
4. Commission Internationale de Éclairage. CIE, 1955. Natural Daylight, Official Recommendation. Compte Rendu CIE 13th Session, 2, part 3.2, pp. 2–4, Paris: Central Bureau CIE.