1. University of Wyoming, School of Nursing
A methodological study was conducted to initially test the psychometric properties of an adolescent and young adult condom perception scale. A 25-item scale measured the constructs of perceived benefits and barriers to using condoms in preventing human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases. The items were developed based on a review of the literature and a review by experts who work with adolescents. The scale was self-administered to 209 voluntary participants (13 to 26 years of age), with 198 completing without missing data. Item analysis (interitem correlations, item to total correlations, and contribution to alpha coefficient) was conducted, and 10 items were deleted. Principal axis factor analysis with varimax rotation yielded three factors, which accounted for 44% of the variance. The factors were relationship-oriented barriers, condom benefits, and sexual satisfaction barriers. The total scale had an alpha coefficient of .82. The scale should be beneficial to further research of condom perceptions and use.
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