1. Purdue University School of Nursing, West Lafayette, IN, USA
The purpose of this systematic review was to identify evidence concerning the effectiveness of mobile applications and wearable devices for weight loss in overweight adults. A database search of PubMed and CINAHL yielded 12 eligible articles following the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria consisted of studies primarily pertaining to obesity, inclusion of adult population only (18 years and older), use of experimental study designs only, use of mobile apps or wearable devices as intervention(s), and primary outcome of weight loss. Overall, the research evidence suggests that mobile apps and wearables are effective self-regulating tools for weight loss. Although study design concerns, such as lack of non-intervention comparator groups, prevent a definitive conclusion regarding the relative power of mobile apps and wearables over other self-monitoring methods, evidence indicates that mobile technology can be used as integral tools within overarching weight loss strategies recommended in the primary care setting.