1. Columbia University School of Nursing.
2. Medical University of South Carolina
3. Center for Human Development and Disability, University of Washington
In a purposive sample of HIV-exposed infants, Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST) Feeding Scale measurements of caregiver-infant interaction during one feeding occasion in a clinic demonstrated both strengths and weaknesses in the interaction. Twelve dyads included 6 birth mothers, 2 biological fathers, 3 foster mothers, and 1 kinship guardian, who were primary caregiversfor4Hispanic, 1 Vietnamese, and 7 African American infants, ranging in age from 2 weeks to 12 months. Caregivers were sensitive to infants'cues and responsive to their distress, and infants were clear in conveying cues and responsive to their caregivers. The use of the feeding interaction to foster social-emotional growth was less than expected. Contingency of behavior between caregivers and infants was also deficient. Four dyads had caregiver scores at or below the risk cutoffpoint.
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5 articles.