Walking Distances to and from Light-Rail Transit Stations


O'Sullivan Sean1,Morrall John2


1. ADI Limited, Suite 2, 750 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V5Z 1A5.

2. Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4.


A quantifiable basis for developing design guidelines for pedestrian access to light-rail transit (LRT) stations is provided for planners based on observations in Calgary, Canada. Calgary's LRT system, which began operations in 1981, has been operating for long enough for walking patterns to and from its stations to become established. Interviews were conducted with 1,800 peak-hour LRT users about the origins and destinations of their LRT trips. Those who walked to or from a station were asked to point out on a map their approximate origins or destinations. The distances were then measured off the maps. Walking distance guidelines were developed for central business district (CBD), transfer and local stations. Catchment area maps were produced, and the relationship between reported walking time and measured walking distance was calculated. Also compared are the walking distances at LRT stations and the walking distances at bus stops. The research strongly indicates that people walk farther to reach an LRT station than a bus stop. Using bus walking standards would result in an underestimate of LRT walking distances by about half. For the city of Calgary the average walking distance to suburban stations is 649 m with a 75th-percentile distance of 840 m. At CBD stations the average walking distance is 326 m and the 75th-percentile distance is 419 m.


SAGE Publications


Mechanical Engineering,Civil and Structural Engineering

Reference10 articles.








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