Structured Expert Consensus on Actinic Keratosis: Treatment Algorithm Focusing on Daylight PDT


Calzavara-Pinton Piergiacomo1,Hædersdal Merete2,Barber Kirk3,Basset-Seguin Nicole4,Del Pino Flores María Emilia5,Foley Peter6,Galimberti Gaston7,Gerritsen Rianne8,Gilaberte Yolanda9,Ibbotson Sally10,Peris Ketty11,Sapra Sheetal12,Sotiriou Elena13,Torezan Luis14,Ulrich Claas15,Guillemot Jonathan1617,Hendrich Janek16,Szeimies Rolf-Markus18


1. Department of Dermatology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

2. Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

3. Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

4. Department of Dermatology, Hospital Saint-Louis, Université Paris 7, Paris, France

5. Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal, Mexico City, Mexico

6. Department of Medicine (Dermatology), University of Melbourne; St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Fitzroy, and Skin & Cancer Foundation, Carlton, Australia

7. Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

8. Department of Dermatology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

9. Department of Dermatology, Hospital San Jorge, Huesca, Spain

10. Photobiology Unit, Dermatology Department, University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, Dundee, UK

11. Catholic University of Rome, Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

12. Institute of Cosmetic and Laser Surgery, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

13. First Dermatology Department, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

14. Hospital das Clinicas Faculdade de Medicina Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

15. Skin Tumor Center of Charité, Berlin, Germany

16. Amaris, London, UK

17. Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Escuela de Medicina, Quito, Ecuador

18. Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Vest Hospital, Academic Teaching Hospital University of Bochum, Recklinghausen, Germany


Background: A practical and up-to-date consensus among experts is paramount to further improve patient care in actinic keratosis (AK). Objectives: To develop a structured consensus statement on the diagnosis, classification, and practical management of AK based on up-to-date information. Methods: A systematic review of AK clinical guidelines was conducted. This informed the preparation of a 3-round Delphi procedure followed by a consensus meeting, which combined the opinions of 16 clinical experts from 13 countries, to construct a structured consensus statement and a treatment algorithm positioning daylight photodynamic therapy (dl-PDT) among other AK treatment options. Results: The systematic review found deficiencies in current guidelines with respect to new AK treatments such as ingenol mebutate and dl-PDT. The Delphi panel established consensus statements across definition, diagnosis, classification, and management of AK. While the diagnosis of AK essentially rests on the nature of lesions, treatment decisions are based on several clinical and nonclinical patient factors and diverse environmental attributes. Participants agreed on ranked treatment preferences for the management of AK and on classifying AK in 3 clinical situations: isolated AK lesions requiring lesion-directed treatment, multiple lesions within a small field, and multiple lesions within a large field, both requiring specific treatment approaches. Different AK treatment options were discussed for each clinical situation. Conclusions: The results provide practical recommendations for the treatment of AK, which are readily transferable to clinical practice, and incorporate the physician’s clinical judgement. The structured consensus statement positioned dl-PDT as a valuable option for patients with multiple AKs in small or large fields.




SAGE Publications









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