1. Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD, USA
The excitement of playing an instrument is one of the greatest motivating forces in teaching general music to students. The autoharp, which may be long forgotten in the general music classrooms of the 21st century, is an ideal instrument to “re-introduce” to students. The teaching of a traditional folk instrument provides advantages for connecting students with music and fostering performance-based music making. The author explores beginning instruction of the autoharp for general music, emphasizing the simplicity of use and the benefits of immediate success. The connection to American culture and folk song repertoire is advocated in addition to recommendations for purchase, care, and tuning of the instrument specifically for student use. Teaching strategies are given, including references to the standards and informal, formal, and peer assessments. A recommended resource list comprising online references, instruction books, and beginning folk song repertoire is included, with a listing of suggested two- and three-chord songs.