Evidence for Bicarbonate Secretion by Ameloblasts in a Novel Cellular Model


Bori E.1,Guo J.2,Rácz R.1,Burghardt B.1,Földes A.1,Kerémi B.1,Harada H.3,Steward M.C.4,Den Besten P.5,Bronckers A.L.J.J.2,Varga G.1


1. Department of Oral Biology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary

2. Department of Oral Cell Biology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, MOVE Research Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands

3. Department of Anatomy, Division of Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Iwate Medical University, Iwate, Japan

4. Faculty of Life Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

5. Department of Orofacial Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA


Formation and growth of hydroxyapatite crystals during amelogenesis generate a large number of protons that must be neutralized, presumably by HCO3 ions transported from ameloblasts into the developing enamel matrix. Ameloblasts express a number of transporters and channels known to be involved in HCO3 transport in other epithelia. However, to date, there is no functional evidence for HCO3 transport in these cells. To address questions related to HCO3 export from ameloblasts, we have developed a polarized 2-dimensional culture system for HAT-7 cells, a rat cell line of ameloblast origin. HAT-7 cells were seeded onto Transwell permeable filters. Transepithelial resistance was measured as a function of time, and the expression of transporters and tight junction proteins was investigated by conventional and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Intracellular pH regulation and HCO3 transport were assessed by microfluorometry. HAT-7 cells formed epithelial layers with measureable transepithelial resistance on Transwell permeable supports and expressed claudin-1, claudin-4, and claudin-8—key proteins for tight junction formation. Transport proteins previously described in maturation ameloblasts were also present in HAT-7 cells. Microfluorometry showed that the HAT-7 cells were polarized with a high apical membrane CO2 permeability and vigorous basolateral HCO3 uptake, which was sensitive to Na+ withdrawal, to the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide and to H2DIDS inhibition. Measurements of transepithelial HCO3 transport showed a marked increase in response to Ca2+- and cAMP-mobilizing stimuli. Collectively, 2-dimensional HAT-7 cell cultures on permeable supports 1) form tight junctions, 2) express typical tight junction proteins and electrolyte transporters, 3) are functionally polarized, and 4) can accumulate HCO3 ions from the basolateral side and secrete them at the apical membrane. These studies provide evidence for a regulated, vectorial, basolateral-to-apical bicarbonate transport in polarized HAT-7 cells. We therefore propose that the HAT-7 cell line is a useful functional model for studying electrolyte transport by ameloblasts.


SAGE Publications


General Dentistry

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