1. Department of Dental Materials, Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
SYNOPSIS IN INTERLINGUA INDURAMENTO DE ALLIGATOS DE AURO A ELEVATE PUNCTO DE FUSION.—Esseva studiate le effecto indurante producite per le addition systematic de metallos vil (ferro, stanno, e indium) a alligatos de auro e palladium e de auro e platinum. Funditos specimen de iste alligatos esseva subjicite a duo cyclos de tractamento thermal: (1) refrigidation ab 1800 F (= 1060 C) e (2) invetulation ante le frigidation, durante 30 minutas a un serie de temperaturas inter 850 e 1600 F (=450 e 870 C). Le valores de duressa Brinell esseva registrate, e le microstructura esseva studiate post le tractamento thermal. Le addition del metallos vil al alligatos de auro e platinum (sed non de auro e palladium) resultava in un augmento significative del duressa in le condition invetulate. Evidentia de un precipitation o de un formation subgranular esseva obtenite in omne le systemas de auro e platinum in condition hyper-inventulate.
Reference4 articles.
1. Mumford, G. The Porcelain Fused to Metal Restoration. In Dental Clinics of North America. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., March, 1965, p. 241-49.
2. Heat treatment of alloys to be used for the fused porcelain technique
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