1. Zettlemoyer, A.C. "Surface Properties and Surfactant Behavior from Heats of Immersion and Adsorption Measurements," in Phillips, R.W., and Ryge, G. (eds.): Adhesive Restorative Dental Materials, Indiana University Medical Center Workshop, sponsored by National Institutes of Health and US Public Health Service, 1961, pp 95-102.
2. Brauer, G.M. "Measurement of the Surface Area and the Heats of Wetting of Dentin Powders," in Adhesive Restorative Dental Materials 11, University of Virginia Workshop , Public Health Service Publication no. 1494, 1966, pp 203-211.
3. Winchell, A.N., and Winchell, H.: The Microscopical Characters of Artificial Solid Substances, New York: Academic Press, 1964, p 203.
4. On the Design and Efficiency of Isothermal Reaction Calorimeters.