The Effect of Sucrose on Plaque pH in the Primary and Permanent Dentition of Caries-inactive and -active Kenyan Children


Fejerskov O.1,Scheie A.AA.2,Manji F.3


1. Department of Oral Anatomy, Dental Pathology and Operative Dentistry, The Royal Dental College, Vennelyst Boulevard, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

2. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Odontology, University of Oslo, Norway

3. IDRC Regional Office, Health Science Division, Nairobi, Kenya


The hypothesis that the Stephan pH responses of dental plaque would be different in caries-active and -inactive individuals was tested in 20 seven-year-old and 19 14-year-old Kenyan children. In each age group, half the children had ≥ 2 dentin cavities; the other half had no such lesions. With a palladium-touch microelectrode, interdental plaque pH was monitored between m1/m2 in each quadrant in the primary dentition and in the four molar/premolar regions in the permanent dentition. pH was also monitored in caries cavities in the occlusal surfaces of lower first molars and on the tongue. pH was measured before and up to 60 min after the children rinsed with 10 mL of 10% sucrose. Caries status of the individual was unrelated to plaque pH in comparable non-carious sites in both of the age groups. The pH minimum in the maxilla was about 0.5 pH units lower than that in the mandible. Active occlusal caries lesions had a resting pH value of about 5.5, about 1 pH unit lower than that of sound surfaces. The pH dropped to about 4.5 in caries lesions and recovered slowly. In sound occlusal sites, a pH drop to about 6.0 was followed by a relatively rapid return to the resting value. Thus, when the mean values were considered, the classic Stephan curve response was evident. However, when the pH changes at single sites were considered at various time intervals, a substantial, erratic fluctuation was observed. The tongue had a resting pH value of 7.0, which dropped to about pH 5.5 and remained low for more than 60 min.


SAGE Publications


General Dentistry

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