The Financial Information Content of Perceived Quality


Aaker David A.1,Jacobson Robert2


1. J. Gary Shansby Professor at the Haas School of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley.

2. Professor, School of Business Administration, University of Washington.


The authors investigate whether movement in a firm's stock price, that is, a measure of firm value, is associated with information contained in perceived quality measures. In a model that also allows for the effect of economywide factors and a firm's return on investment, they find a positive relationship between stock return and changes in quality perceptions. These results imply that the quality measure contains information, incremental to that reflected by current-term accounting measures, about future-term business performance. They suggest that managers should convey information to the stock market, such as the brand's quality image, useful in depicting the long-term prospects of the business. By doing so, the stock market will rely less on short-term measures of business performance, and managers will be freer to undertake strategies necessary for ensuring the long-term viability of their firms.


SAGE Publications


Marketing,Economics and Econometrics,Business and International Management

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