1. Department of Psychiatry, Queen Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital, Mindelsohn Way, Birmingham B15 2QZ
The case records of 55 people from the West Midlands (UK) fulfilling the Mental Health Act 1983 criteria for mental impairment or severe mental impairment, were studied. Most were young men with mild mental retardation. 73 per cent were resident in (or on leave from) mental handicap hospitals, and 27 per cent resident in special hospitals. 29 per cent were subject to a Restriction Order. Most had lived in hospital for more than six years. The commonest problem behaviours were aggression, property offences and inappropriate or offending sexual behaviour. 31 per cent were mentally ill or had a past history of mental illness. A diverse range of services appears necessary to meet the needs of this group of people.
Law,Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects
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5 articles.