Public Attitudes to Mental Illness: The Influence of the Hungerford Massacre


Appleby Louis1,Wessely Simon2


1. Clinical Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE58AF

2. Senior Registrar in Psychiatry, National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Queen Square, London WC1N3BG


ABSTRACT: In the first prospective study of public attitudes towards mental illness and violence, two representative population samples (n = 1963) were questioned before and after the murders at Hungerford. There was a significant increase in the number believing that those who commit horrific crimes are likely to be mentally ill. There was no change in the proportion believing the mentally ill are likely to be violent, nor in those agreeing that the mentally ill should be encouraged to live in the community. When the attitudes were tested after a further six months this significant increase was no longer found. As the true mental state of Michael Ryan is unknown, arguments are presented suggesting that speculation by the press and psychiatrists may have resulted in this change, but without influencing the public view of mental illness in general.


SAGE Publications


Law,Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

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5. “Behind the Mug Shot Grin”;Journal of Communication Inquiry;2013-06-05







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