1. The University of Arizona, Department of Anthropology, Emil Haury Building 124E, Tucson AZ 85721, USA
A partially macerated human male foetus was submitted to the Human Identification Laboratory at The University of Arizona for the purpose of gestational age determination. This paper compares radiographic diaphyseal length of most long bones to foot length as measured from the forensic case submitted for analysis. The methods included radiography of complete antebrachial and crural segments and foot length measurements. As calculated from ulnar, radial, tibial and fibular diaphyseal length, gestational age was estimated to be between 25 and 28 lunar weeks (between 22 and 25 gestational weeks), while age determined from foot length was between late 23 and early 26 gestational weeks. These results highlight a general correspondence in age estimation between these two techniques. Case history obtained after this analysis confirmed an age of 23 weeks and 6 days based on ultrasonographic criteria. The correspondence between these techniques is significant, since either technique yields approximately the same gestational age. Accuracy of gestational age determination is essential to assess foetal viability. While national laws vary regarding foetal remains, courses of appropriate medicolegal action are contingent upon the determination of foetal viability.
Law,Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects
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9 articles.